Ep. 5 - Productive Inclusion

with Prof. Yi-Ren Wang

“We don’t like to feel the world is unfair. If we can justify others’ suffering by attributing it to faults of their own, we feel more comfortable; it allows us to maintain the belief that the world is fair.”


Yi-Ren Wang is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at Asia School of Business.

She received her Ph.D. in Management from the University of Alabama. She received her master’s degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from the University at Albany, State University of New York and her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from National Taiwan University.

Her research interests include precarious work, workplace inequality, behavioral poverty trap, socioeconomic mobility, work motivation, fairness, work-family dynamics, employee well-being, and workplace trauma. The ultimate goal of her research is to identify ways to reduce social disparities and promote upward mobility, particularly for workers in underprivileged conditions. She has ongoing projects aiming to 1) explain the motivational and behavioral challenges faced by underprivileged workers at work, 2) highlight the importance of organizational justice for promoting a long-term perspective and career investment for workers in precarity, and 3) theorize the transmission of occupational strain across life boundaries and between individuals. Read more about her.

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Productive inclusion is the process of developing awareness and inclusion in all aspects of social and economic activities of the underprivileged, marginalized, and typically excluded.

Smart leaders realize the untapped potential and proactively tailor activities and training to maximize the impact and contribution of this talent in their organizations.

Video Podcast


The Job Is Easy, The People Are Not! podcast is a collection of refreshingly honest and candid conversations with professionals in the ASB and MIT Sloan community on 10 Smart skills that I've identified through my work as a professor and educator as essential for becoming better people and leaders. Armed with the insights from these conversations, we hope you'll find not only the job but also the people, becoming easy!